Date Tags R


This analysis involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) storm database.

This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where they occur, as well as estimates of any fatalities, injuries, and property damage.

This analysis focuses on fatalities, injuries, property and crop damages to answer to the 2 following questions : Across the United States, which types of events (as indicated in the EVTYPE variable) are most harmful with respect to population health? Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest economic consequences?

Data Processing

The data comes in the form of a comma-separated-value file compressed via the bzip2.

We download it and unzip it in a ProjectData directory:

download.file("", "FStormData.csv.bz2", 
    method = "curl", quiet = TRUE)

raw <- read.csv(bzfile("FStormData.csv.bz2"), sep = ",", quote = "\"", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
raw$BGN_DATE <- as.Date(raw$BGN_DATE, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
raw$END_DATE <- as.Date(raw$END_DATE, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")

The Storm Events Database reports that all weather events are only recorded since 1996 (see

    Event Types Available:
    Add more info about event types here. Link to collections page/tab when referencing data collection source.

    1. Tornado: From 1950 through 1954, only tornado events were recorded.

    2. Tornado, Thunderstorm Wind and Hail: From 1955 through 1992, only tornado, thunderstorm wind and hail events were keyed from the paper publications into digital data. From 1993 to 1995, only tornado, thunderstorm wind and hail events have been extracted from the Unformatted Text Files.

    3. All Event Types (48 from Directive 10-1605): From 1996 to present, 48 event types are recorded as defined in NWS Directive 10-1605.

Since we're reporting impacts from various weather events, we'll focus our study on data since 1996.

data <- raw[raw$BGN_DATE > "1996-01-01", ]


Weather events impact on population health across the United States since 1996

To study the weather events impact on poulation health, we examine the INJURIES AND FATALITIES columns of the dataset.

We compute the sum of total of injuries/fatalities by weather event type an store the values in a new dataset:

fat_by_ev <- aggregate(FATALITIES ~ EVTYPE, data = data, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
inj_by_ev <- aggregate(INJURIES ~ EVTYPE, data = data, sum, na.rm = TRUE)

For fatalities, the quantile function shows that only 1% of the values of the total of injuries/fatalities by event type are significant (> 326 fatalities, > 1635 injuries).

quantile(fat_by_ev$FATALITIES, probs = seq(0.9, 1, 0.01))
##     90%     91%     92%     93%     94%     95%     96%     97%     98%     99%    100% 
##    4.00    5.74    9.88   14.02   28.80   57.90   78.08  105.32  198.92  326.14 1797.00
quantile(inj_by_ev$INJURIES, probs = seq(0.9, 1, 0.01))
##      90%      91%      92%      93%      94%      95%      96%      97%      98%      99%     100% 
##    21.60    25.74    39.76    70.04    85.76   171.90   304.56   477.80  1034.84  1635.64 20667.00

We order the new datas by fatalities/injuries (decreasing order) and display the 10th first rows:

fat_temp <- fat_by_ev[order(fat_by_ev$FATALITIES, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:10, ]
colnames(fat_temp) <- c("event.type", "fatalities")
inj_temp <- inj_by_ev[order(inj_by_ev$INJURIES, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:10, ]
colnames(inj_temp) <- c("event.type", "injuries")
kable(fat_temp, caption = "Total fatalities by weather event type since 1996")
event.type fatalities
417 TORNADO 1511
99 FLOOD 414
423 TSTM WIND 241
143 HEAT 237
161 HIGH WIND 235
kable(inj_temp, caption = "Total injuries by weather event type since 1996")
event.type injuries
417 TORNADO 20667
99 FLOOD 6758
213 LIGHTNING 4140
423 TSTM WIND 3629
143 HEAT 1222

Then plot the datas:

ggplot(fat_temp, aes(reorder(factor(event.type), -fatalities), fatalities)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
    labs(x = "Weather event type", y = "Fatalities", title = "Total fatalities by weather event type since 1996") + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
plot of chunk weather_events_impact_fatalities
ggplot(inj_temp, aes(reorder(factor(event.type), -injuries), injuries)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
    labs(x = "Weather event type", y = "Injuries", title = "Total injuries by weather event type since 1996") + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
plot of chunk weather_events_impact_injuries

To go deeper, we can examine single weather types by having a closer look on their frequency/injuries and fatalities ratio :

fat_ev_count <- count(data[data$FATALITIES > 0, ], vars = "EVTYPE")

temp <- merge(fat_ev_count, fat_by_ev, by = "EVTYPE")
temp$ratio <- temp$FATALITIES/temp$freq
colnames(temp) <- c("event.type", "event.frequency", "event.fatalities", "event.fatalities.ratio")
kable(temp[order(temp$event.frequency, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:30, ], caption = "Total fatalities by weather event type (ordered by frequency desc) since 1996")
event.type event.frequency event.fatalities event.fatalities.ratio
63 LIGHTNING 608 650 1.069079
27 FLASH FLOOD 584 887 1.518836
20 EXCESSIVE HEAT 564 1797 3.186170
92 TORNADO 459 1511 3.291939
74 RIP CURRENT 301 340 1.129568
28 FLOOD 270 414 1.533333
94 TSTM WIND 212 241 1.136793
75 RIP CURRENTS 179 202 1.128492
48 HIGH WIND 176 235 1.335227
1 AVALANCHE 173 223 1.289017
38 HEAT 133 237 1.781955
104 WINTER STORM 118 191 1.618644
90 THUNDERSTORM WIND 107 130 1.214953
85 STRONG WIND 90 103 1.144444
22 EXTREME COLD/WIND CHILL 87 125 1.436782
21 EXTREME COLD 86 113 1.313953
41 HEAVY SNOW 75 107 1.426667
11 COLD/WIND CHILL 74 95 1.283784
45 HIGH SURF 63 87 1.380952
39 HEAVY RAIN 59 94 1.593220
58 ICE STORM 51 82 1.607843
3 BLIZZARD 46 70 1.521739
29 FOG 35 60 1.714286
105 WINTER WEATHER 29 33 1.137931
101 WILDFIRE 28 75 2.678571
43 HEAVY SURF/HIGH SURF 27 42 1.555556
93 TROPICAL STORM 24 57 2.375000
49 HURRICANE 23 61 2.652174
98 URBAN/SML STREAM FLD 22 28 1.272727
50 HURRICANE/TYPHOON 19 64 3.368421
inj_ev_count <- count(data[data$INJURIES > 0, ], vars = "EVTYPE")
temp <- merge(inj_ev_count, inj_by_ev, by = "EVTYPE")
temp$ratio <- temp$INJURIES/temp$freq
colnames(temp) <- c("event.type", "event.frequency", "event.injuries", "event.injuries.ratio")
kable(temp[order(temp$event.frequency, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:30, ], caption = "Total Injuries by weather event type (ordered by frequency desc) since 1996")
event.type event.frequency event.injuries event.injuries.ratio
56 LIGHTNING 2250 4140 1.840000
85 TORNADO 1877 20667 11.010655
87 TSTM WIND 1492 3629 2.432306
83 THUNDERSTORM WIND 587 1400 2.385009
43 HIGH WIND 403 1083 2.687345
23 FLASH FLOOD 335 1674 4.997015
99 WILDFIRE 184 911 4.951087
34 HAIL 165 713 4.321212
17 EXCESSIVE HEAT 162 6391 39.450617
79 STRONG WIND 147 278 1.891156
101 WINTER STORM 144 1292 8.972222
24 FLOOD 142 6758 47.591549
98 WILD/FOREST FIRE 130 545 4.192308
68 RIP CURRENT 107 209 1.953271
1 AVALANCHE 105 156 1.485714
38 HEAVY SNOW 102 698 6.843137
69 RIP CURRENTS 84 294 3.500000
25 FOG 73 712 9.753425
37 HEAVY RAIN 73 230 3.150685
51 ICE STORM 53 318 6.000000
3 BLIZZARD 41 385 9.390244
15 DUST STORM 38 376 9.894737
36 HEAT 36 1222 33.944444
42 HIGH SURF 33 146 4.424242
102 WINTER WEATHER 30 343 11.433333
90 TSTM WIND/HAIL 26 95 3.653846
95 URBAN/SML STREAM FLD 26 79 3.038461
100 WIND 26 84 3.230769
86 TROPICAL STORM 23 338 14.695652
11 DENSE FOG 20 143 7.150000

Weather events economic impact across Unites States

We'll examine the property and crop damages columns (PROPDMG * 10^PROPDMGEXP and CROPDMG * 10^CROPDMGEXP, respectively) from the dataset.

We need to preprocess the data to convert PROPDMG and PROPDMGEXP into numbers, idem for CROPDMG and CROPDMGEXP.

Values for the CROPDMGEXP and PROPDMEXP are:

  • 0 or blank
  • H for Hundred
  • K for Thousand
  • M for Million
  • B for Billion

Note: Except for these exponential values (H,K,M,B), there is some inexpected values : ? + - and numbers in the initial dataset. This values doesn't appear in the dataset filtered by BGN_DATE > 1996-01-01.

Let's check the repartition of the exponential categories:

##             B      K      M 
## 373047      4 278685   1771
##             0      B      K      M 
## 276166      1     32 369934   7374

We convert PROPDMG/PROPDMGEXP and CROPDMG/CROPDMGEXP pairs into numbers:

data$cropdmg.exp <- 1
data[data$CROPDMGEXP == "H", "cropdmg.exp"] <- 100
data[data$CROPDMGEXP == "K", "cropdmg.exp"] <- 1000
data[data$CROPDMGEXP == "M", "cropdmg.exp"] <- 10^6
data[data$CROPDMGEXP == "B", "cropdmg.exp"] <- 10^9
data$cropdmg.val <- data$CROPDMG * data$cropdmg.exp

data$propdmg.exp <- 1
data[data$PROPDMGEXP == "H", "propdmg.exp"] <- 100
data[data$PROPDMGEXP == "K", "propdmg.exp"] <- 1000
data[data$PROPDMGEXP == "M", "propdmg.exp"] <- 1e+06
data[data$PROPDMGEXP == "B", "propdmg.exp"] <- 1e+09
data$propdmg.val <- data$PROPDMG * data$propdmg.exp

We perform the same analysis as for weather type impact on population health:

crop_by_ev <- aggregate(cropdmg.val ~ EVTYPE, data = data, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
quantile(crop_by_ev$cropdmg.val, probs = seq(0.9, 1, 0.01))
##         90%         91%         92%         93%         94%         95%         96%         97% 
##       80000      522000     1830000     8518338    15105600    22067850    51986350   225801006 
##         98%         99%        100% 
##   611260434  1328471682 13367566000
prop_by_ev <- aggregate(propdmg.val ~ EVTYPE, data = data, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
quantile(prop_by_ev$propdmg.val, probs = seq(0.9, 1, 0.01))
##          90%          91%          92%          93%          94%          95%          96% 
##      6087080      7928162      9823200     19765792     40787880    117527100    551709366 
##          97%          98%          99%         100% 
##   1328347705   4595502763  14205618003 143944833550
crop_temp <- crop_by_ev[order(crop_by_ev$cropdmg.val, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:20, ]
colnames(crop_temp) <- c("event.type", "cropdmg.val")
prop_temp <- prop_by_ev[order(prop_by_ev$propdmg.val, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:20, ]
colnames(prop_temp) <- c("event.type", "propdmg.val")
kable(crop_temp, caption = "Total crop damages in (US dollars) by weather event type")
event.type cropdmg.val
59 DROUGHT 13367566000
99 FLOOD 4974778400
166 HURRICANE 2741410000
167 HURRICANE/TYPHOON 2607872800
139 HAIL 2476029450
96 FLASH FLOOD 1334901700
81 EXTREME COLD 1288973000
108 FROST/FREEZE 1094086000
145 HEAVY RAIN 728169800
420 TROPICAL STORM 677711000
161 HIGH WIND 633561300
423 TSTM WIND 553915350
75 EXCESSIVE HEAT 492402000
487 WILDFIRE 295472800
417 TORNADO 283425010
102 FREEZE 146225000
486 WILD/FOREST FIRE 106782330
150 HEAVY SNOW 71122100
330 STRONG WIND 64953500
kable(prop_temp, caption = "Total property damages (in US dollars) by weather event type")
event.type propdmg.val
99 FLOOD 143944833550
167 HURRICANE/TYPHOON 69305840000
327 STORM SURGE 43193536000
417 TORNADO 24616905710
96 FLASH FLOOD 15222203910
139 HAIL 14595143420
166 HURRICANE 11812819010
420 TROPICAL STORM 7642475550
161 HIGH WIND 5247860360
487 WILDFIRE 4758667000
328 STORM SURGE/TIDE 4641188000
423 TSTM WIND 4478026440
191 ICE STORM 3642248810
413 THUNDERSTORM WIND 3382654440
486 WILD/FOREST FIRE 3001782500
496 WINTER STORM 1532733250
59 DROUGHT 1046101000
213 LIGHTNING 743077080
150 HEAVY SNOW 634417540
437 TYPHOON 600230000
ggplot(crop_temp, aes(reorder(factor(event.type), -cropdmg.val), cropdmg.val)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
    labs(x = "Weather event type", y = "Crop damages in US dollars", title = "Total Crop damages by weather event type") + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
plot of chunk weather_events_impact_crop_damages
ggplot(prop_temp, aes(reorder(factor(event.type), -propdmg.val), propdmg.val)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
    labs(x = "Weather event type type", y = "Properties damages in US dollars", title = "Total Properties damages by weather event type") + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
plot of chunk weather_events_impact_properties_damages

and we check damages ratio by event type:

crop_ev_count <- count(data[data$cropdmg.val > 0, ], vars = "EVTYPE")
temp <- merge(crop_ev_count, crop_by_ev, by = "EVTYPE")
temp$ratio <- temp$cropdmg.val/temp$freq
colnames(temp) <- c("event.type", "event.frequency", "event.cropdamages", "event.cropdamages.ratio")
kable(temp[order(temp$event.frequency, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:20, ], caption = "Total crop domages (in US dollars) by weather event type (ordered by frequency desc) since 1996")
event.type event.frequency event.cropdamages event.cropdamages.ratio
22 HAIL 8100 2476029450 305682.65
46 TSTM WIND 3440 553915350 161021.90
14 FLASH FLOOD 1845 1334901700 723523.96
15 FLOOD 1599 4974778400 3111180.99
44 TORNADO 1254 283425010 226016.75
43 THUNDERSTORM WIND 924 398331000 431094.16
4 DROUGHT 243 13367566000 55010559.67
27 HIGH WIND 200 633561300 3167806.50
25 HEAVY RAIN 123 728169800 5920079.67
53 URBAN/SML STREAM FLD 112 8488100 75786.61
17 FROST/FREEZE 102 1094086000 10726333.33
42 STRONG WIND 94 64953500 690994.68
47 TSTM WIND/HAIL 89 64696250 726924.16
56 WILDFIRE 89 295472800 3319919.10
33 LIGHTNING 74 6898440 93222.16
45 TROPICAL STORM 59 677711000 11486627.12
28 HURRICANE 47 2741410000 58327872.34
9 EXTREME COLD 46 1288973000 28021152.17
55 WILD/FOREST FIRE 35 106782330 3050923.71
29 HURRICANE/TYPHOON 33 2607872800 79026448.48
prop_ev_count <- count(data[data$propdmg.val > 0, ], vars = "EVTYPE")
temp <- merge(prop_ev_count, prop_by_ev, by = "EVTYPE")
temp$ratio <- temp$propdmg.val/temp$freq
colnames(temp) <- c("event.type", "event.frequency", "event.propdamages", "event.propdamages.ratio")
kable(temp[order(temp$event.frequency, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:20, ], caption = "Total property damages (in US dollars) by weather event type (ordered by frequency desc) since 1996")
event.type event.frequency event.propdamages event.propdamages.ratio
142 TSTM WIND 60331 4478026440 74224.30
137 THUNDERSTORM WIND 42726 3382654440 79170.87
65 HAIL 20002 14595143420 729684.20
39 FLASH FLOOD 18647 15222203910 816335.28
139 TORNADO 11847 24616905710 2077902.06
41 FLOOD 9086 143944833550 15842486.63
96 LIGHTNING 8744 743077080 84981.37
74 HIGH WIND 5217 5247860360 1005915.35
131 STRONG WIND 3206 174741450 54504.51
166 WINTER STORM 1344 1532733250 1140426.53
68 HEAVY SNOW 943 634417540 672765.15
67 HEAVY RAIN 906 584864440 645545.74
163 WILDFIRE 723 4758667000 6581835.41
157 URBAN/SML STREAM FLD 670 58309650 87029.33
84 ICE STORM 594 3642248810 6131732.00
141 TROPICAL STORM 390 7642475550 19596091.15
152 TSTM WIND/HAIL 380 44320500 116632.89
167 WINTER WEATHER 373 20866000 55941.02
162 WILD/FOREST FIRE 303 3001782500 9906872.94
88 LAKE-EFFECT SNOW 194 40115000 206778.35


Wheater events impact on population health Our analysys shows that since 1996:

  • The "Tornado" event caused the most injuries
  • Both the "Tornado" and "Excessive heat" events caused the most fatalities

From the frequency/ratio table, we can notice that:

  • The "Lightning", "Flash Flood" and "Excessive Heat" are the most frequent events regarding events causing fatalities
  • The "Lightning", "Tornado" and "TSM Wind" are the most frequent events regarding events causing injuries
  • The "Excessive heat", "Flood" and "Heat", have a very high ratio regarding injuries

Wheater events impact on economy Our analysys shows that since 1996:

  • The "Drought" event caused the most crop damages
  • The "Flood" events caused the most property damages

From the frequency/ratio table, we can notice that:

  • The "Hail" event is the most frequent event regarding events causing crop damages
  • The "TSTM Wind" event is the most frequent event regarding events causing property damages
  • The "Drought" and "Hurricane" events have a very high crop damages ratio
  • The "Flood" and "Tropical storm" events have a very high property damages ratio