Squad Teams

A squad is a cross-functionnal self-organizing team (less than 8 people). It is a small business cluster running like a startup in its own right.
The team has end-to-end responsability for the stuff they build (design, deployment, operation). Ideally, each squad is fully autonomous. There should be no blocking dependencies …

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Kanban Principles

Kanban in the context of software development mean a visual process-management system that tells what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce - inspired by the Toyota Production System and by Lean manufacturing.

Kanban board core properties are:

  • visualize the work in the worflow
  • limit the work …
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Git Workflows vs "All to Master"

A basic git workflow is the feature branch workflow. All feature (or task, or story) developments are taken place in a dedicated branch (the feature branch).
The stories/features branch exist as long as the feature is in development.
At the end of the development, the branch is usually submitted …

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Gantt Chart Principle

A Gantt Chart illustrates a project schedule by presenting scheduling and dependencies information about the activities involved in implementing a project.

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User stories

A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. It's a very high level definition of requirement, containing just information so than developers can produce a reasonable estimate of the effort to implement it The user …

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